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The National Center for Traumatic Stress and Resilience

The number of Israelis exposed to trauma is rising at an alarming rate. 

The treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a field in which Israel, and specifically Tel Aviv University (TAU), excels. Accordingly, TAU scholars and practitioners have significantly deepened their knowledge of the effects of traumatic stress and developed effective intervention models based on their unique insights. TAU recently established the National Center for Traumatic Stress and Resilience to build on and expand this knowledge. 

The Center, although not yet fully funded, has already become a true “game changer” in advancing the treatment and prevention of PTSD and related conditions.

We invite you to donate to the Center’s Research Program, Social Work Program or Expanding Access to Care initiative, which will profoundly improve the lives of thousands of individuals and families for generations to come.  

(1) Research Grants: Developing novel clinical interventions and prevention programs

The Center will award competitive research grants to the most exciting and promising projects proposed by teams from across the TAU campus, with an option for cooperative projects with additional universities from Israel and abroad. Funded projects will be clinical and applied to develop treatment or resilience-building interventions. An international scientific board will evaluate the treatments and interventions developed through these grants. 

Five research groups will receive support of up to $69,000 CDN annually for two years. Thus, the Center will support ten research projects each year, resulting in a significant portfolio of proven translational research over the years.

(2) Social Work Program: 

TAU seeks visionary donors to immediately launch a vitally needed Post-Trauma Training Program for social workers across Israel

The Program will be led and implemented by TAU’s Bob Shapell School of Social Work. It will target social workers employed in various social services frameworks who lack the training to work specifically with post-traumatic individuals. The Program will educate participants on the basic concepts associated with trauma, provide them with the means to identify common symptoms and equip them with essential tools and principles for initial intervention. 

Once funding is in place, TAU can quickly launch four cohorts of the Program. Each cohort will include about 30 participants, for an overall total of 120 participants.  

We anticipate that, at the end of the 1.5-month training, social workers will have the foundational knowledge to help thousands of Israelis who have experienced trauma be able to identify early signs of deterioration and effectively respond to them, and help victims identify opportunities for developing strength and resilience. 

Tel Aviv University aims to raise $90,000 CDN to train 120 dedicated frontline social workers. The funding will support the Program’s academic supervisory staff, instructors, administration, technical support, and tuition subsidies.

(3) Expanding Access to Care 

Your life-altering donation toward expanded access to care at the Center will provide for help with personal costs. Your generous donation, which significantly enhances access to care at the Center, will directly support individuals by subsidizing the cost of treatment, thereby allowing more people access to various supports they may need but cannot access due to cost restrictions. 

The clinic will treat large numbers of people dealing with PTSD, as a result of the war or other causes. It will receive patients referred by other organizations. Private citizens can receive treatment for a fee after making an appointment without a referral.


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